How to switch the MF Rectifier Mk II to tank plating mode

How to switch the MF Rectifier Mk II to tank plating mode

To get started;
1.Place the rectifier on a firm surface and connect up your rectifier to your tank plating kit. Instructions for setting up your Spa Plating Tank Plating Kit can be seen in the video attached to instruct 5 below.
2.Ensure the on/off switch at the rear of the rectifier is in the "O" position.
3. Connect the mains socket to an earthed mains socket using the mains cable included.

1. Switch on your rectifier

Switch the rectifier on using the on/off switch at the rear of the rectifier. The switch should now be in the “I” position.

2. The "16v/5A" button

Press and hold the “16v/5A” button until it starts flashing.

3. Setting the volts

Set the voltage using the “VOLT” dial to about 5 volts (anywhere between 4.80 – 5.20 volts will do).

4. Setting the current (amps)

Set the current (amps) using the “CURR” dial to your required setting  or that displayed on the relevant Spa Plating Calculator

In this example, we have set it to 0.10 amps.

5. Starting the tank plating process

When you are ready to start plating, press the “OUTPUT ON” button which will change from white to green to show the plating tank is powered. The “16v/5A” button will stop flashing.

6. Stopping the tank plating process

When the tank plating process is complete, press the “OUTPUT ON” button which will change from green back to white to show the tank is powered off.

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