A quick reference table for our brush plating solutions
Here you'll find in one handy table, the basic technical data you need to know about our most popular brush plating solutions. It covers;
- its correct voltage
- what the plating solution is most commonly used for
- the best pre-treatments depending on the base metal
- the right electrode to use with it
Please remember that the information on this page is for brush plating only. If you need information about pen or tank plating, please see the other sections in this manual that deal with these areas.

Quick reference table for brush plating solutions
Plating Solution | What it can be used for | When plating on to… | Pre-plate with… | Recommended electrode |
Gold 4-5v | Decorative applications for example jewellery, antiques, bathroom furniture. Used for functional applications such as electrical contacts as it’s a good conductor of electricity. |
Platinum/carbon |
Gold Flash 5-6v | Used only as an undercoat for many other plating solutions. Useful for providing a key layer for subsequent gold plating on difficult to plate surfaces such as stainless steel. | Stainless Steel and it alloys | NA | Platinum/carbon |
Silver 2.5-3.5v | Decorative applications for example up-cycling antiques. Functional applications for example a cheaper alternative to gold for electrical connections. |
Platinum/silver |
Copper 4v | Decorative finish on many items for example sculpture. Functional applications for example building up a thick layer to fill in scratches on printing machinery or scratches on decorative items (eg. silver plated antiques) for polishing back and subsequent silver plating. | Nickel and its alloys | Gold Flash | Copper,carbon |
White palladium 3v | Decorative finish on white gold jewellery instead of more expensive rhodium or platinum. Also plated on to silver jewellery to reduce tarnishing and scratching. Used as hypoallergenic replacement for nickel. Makes a good barrier layer when plating gold on to copper. | Stainless steel | Gold Flash | Platinum/carbon |
Platinum 4-5v Temp; 20 degrees centigrade minimum | Decorative finish on bathroom furniture. Used to re-plate white gold wedding rings. Should not be used on exterior fittings as brush plating alone provides minimum protection from the external environment. |
Carbon |
Black Chrome 6-8v Temp; 25 degrees centigrade minimum | Decorative finish on items such as bathroom furniture. Should not be used on exterior fittings as brush plating alone provides minimum protection from the external environment. |
Nickel plating |

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